Edit Validate rules Format Ex: 638701 // regex to check Phone String regex = ("^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{5}$"); // Compile the ReGex java.util.regex.Pattern p=java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(regex); ...
Pincode Format
Debit Or Credit Card Auto Space
Edit Input rules For Auto Spacing Input (Ex: 1234123412341234) Output (Ex: 1234 1234 1234 1234) if (theValue.length() == 16) { String temp=theValue.toString(); theValu...
Debit Card Exp Date Format
Edit Validate rules Format Ex: 05 24 //In format (MM YY) // Regex to check valid Exp Date String regex= ("^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\\s([0-9]{2})$"); // Compile the ReGex java.util.regex.Pattern p=jav...
Pan Format
Edit Validate rules Format Ex: AFZPK7190K // Regex to check valid Pan card number String regex= ("[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}"); // Compile the ReGex java.util.regex.Pattern p=java.util.regex...
IFSC Code Format
Edit Validate rules Format Ex: IDIB000A208 // regex to check IFSC Code String regex= ("^[A-Z]{4}0[A-Z0-9]{6}$"); // Compile the ReGex java.util.regex.Pattern p=java.util.regex.Pattern.compi...
Phone Number Format
Edit Validate rules Format Ex: 9876543210 // regex to check Phone String regex = ("^[6-9]{1}[0-9]{9}$"); // Compile the ReGex java.util.regex.Pattern p=java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(regex...
Aadhar Format
Edit Validate rules Format - 1 (With Space) Ex: 2341 1234 1234 // Regex to check valid Aadhaar number String regex= "^[2-9]{1}[0-9]{3}\\s[0-9]{4}\\s[0-9]{4}$"; // Compile the ReGex java.ut...
Razorpay Integration
Steps Create account in Razorpay website Click Here - To Continue Razorpay website Click Signup and create account Go to payment pages Create ...
Login Validation
Video Tutorial
Password Format
Edit Validate rules Format - 1 (Display custom message) The password must be atleast 8 - 15 character Include both lower and upper case characters Include at least one number are symbol ...